Category: Business and Society

  • Three Stories about the Owen School’s Positive Social Impact around the Globe

    Weaving a Path to a Better Life

    Paul Dent, pictured with Mekong Blue scarves at St. David’s Episcopal Church, spent last summer in Cambodia assisting the Stung Treng Women’s Development Center with its business plan.
    Paul Dent, pictured with Mekong Blue scarves at St. David’s Episcopal Church, spent last summer in Cambodia assisting the Stung Treng Women’s Development Center with its business plan.

    After many hours of travel down a long dirt road, Paul Dent, MBA’10, arrived at a secluded ranch scattered with rustic, wooden outbuildings. It may sound like the beginnings of a Western novel, but the setting, in fact, was one of the poorest regions of Cambodia. Instead of cattle roping or sheepherding, the occupants were busily working at looms, manufacturing beautiful silk scarves.

    Last summer Dent rolled up his sleeves and applied his freshly minted marketing skills by helping the founders of the Stung Treng Women’s Development Center (SWDC) expand their vision of providing employment, training and education to women in the region. Proceeds from the silk scarves, which are woven by the women and sold in regional gift shops and at under the Mekong Blue brand, benefit the center.

    “My goal was to help them create a plan for sustainability with the hope of decreasing their reliance on outside funding in the near future,” says Dent, whose work was directed and funded by the Allen Foundation, which for years has been actively supporting the SWDC in its goal to achieve sustainability. Dent’s result was a 20-page marketing report detailing some of his findings.

    “This was a great exercise in thinking back to the basics of marketing,” he says. “We were working from a very basic marketing level, asking how we get people interested in hands-on, real-time opportunities with a small business that is making a difference in so many lives.”

    Dent was struck by the poverty and isolation of the embattled Stung Treng region in the country’s northeast corner, where a majority of the residents are sustenance farmers. Such enterprise as that taking place at the women’s center might have resulted in persecution from the oppressive Khmer Rouge regime that occupied Cambodia just a few decades earlier.

    Weavers at the SWDC in Cambodia
    Weavers at the SWDC in Cambodia

    “This center was developed to provide a source of income, training and livelihood for the women. Unfortunately they might otherwise turn to the sex trade, which is pretty prevalent there,” he says. “This gives them a fair trade, a way to learn a valuable skill and also provides housing, health and other services they need, as well as education for their children.”

    Dent was engaged in the work in Cambodia by the Rev. Ann Walling of Franklin, Tenn., whose family founded the Allen Foundation. In 2009 Walling established a highly successful Internet presence for the sale of Mekong Blue scarves with the support of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Nashville. The Owen School entered the picture shortly after when Walling contracted with Amy Seigenthaler Pierce, President of Seigenthaler Public Relations, to boost public relations efforts for Mekong Blue. Pierce is the wife of Tim Pierce, a Director within the Vanderbilt Executive Development Institute, who put out the word that Walling was seeking to hire an Owen graduate to assist the SWDC.

    Once in Cambodia, Dent focused on the potential of expanding the company’s presence locally, particularly in Phnom Penh, the home of Mekong Blue’s flagship store. He suggested making the scarves available in more stores and actively interacting with managers and owners of shops to generate interest in selling the scarves. A shop clerk he identified also offered to help with distribution efforts.

    With increasing numbers of tourists visiting the capital and nearby shrines, such as the Angkor Wat temples in Siem Reap, Dent felt the touching story of Mekong Blue would resonate with travelers. He encouraged founders Nguon Chantha and Kim Dara Chan, who built much of the SWDC complex with their own hands, to reach out to travel agents and guides who might bring tourists to the stores or to the production facility.

    Dent detailed numerous other suggestions in his report and left Cambodia with a sense that he was able to make an immediate contribution. “It was a great opportunity,” he says, “to put some of the things I learned at Owen into practice right away.”

    Leadership amid the Ruins

    Jim Bryson, pictured here at 20/20 Research in Nashville, started the Joseph School to provide leadership training to orphans in Haiti.
    Jim Bryson, pictured here at 20/20 Research in Nashville, started the Joseph School to provide leadership training to orphans in Haiti.

    The moment in 1994 when Jim Bryson, MBA’85, and his wife, Carol, pulled away from a state-run orphanage in Russia with three adopted children in their laps was both joyful and sad. They had become parents at last, but 20 more orphans stood watching from the steps as they pulled away.

    “We wished we could take them all,” he says.

    During the next 15 years, as the family grew to four children, Bryson continued to build 20/20 Research, the qualitative research firm he had founded in 1986, with offices in Nashville, Miami and Charlotte, N.C. He even served four years as a state senator and was his party’s nominee for Tennessee governor in 2006. But he never forgot the orphans left behind.

    On Jan. 12, 2010, as a 7.0 magnitude earthquake pummeled the island of Haiti, Bryson found himself profoundly moved by the plight of its people. A visit to Haiti four months later provided images he could not shake, especially the number of young teenage orphans who ended up on the street with no education and nowhere to go. Bryson saw a nation in desperate need of rebuilding and leadership.

    “I began to put these two problems together: There’s a real orphan crisis and there are not enough leaders in the country, and that’s when I had a vision for a concept where we’d build a school for older orphans,” he says. A return visit last summer cemented an ambitious plan—to transform a national crisis into a leadership opportunity by founding a boarding school for secondary education.

    According to his vision, The Joseph School, as it has become known, will offer academics, leadership training and service training. The school is named for the biblical figure in Genesis who was separated from his family because of his brothers’ deception, rose to a leadership role in the pharaoh’s government, and later saved his family and his country from famine through his vision and adept leadership.

    A Port-au-Prince neighborhood in ruins after the 2010 earthquake
    A Port-au-Prince neighborhood in ruins after the 2010 earthquake

    The school will partner with an educational institution to choose curriculum and devise admissions testing procedures for talented students. Included in that curriculum will be Haitian cultural arts and history. “We will also have classes in English and French because immersion is crucial to these students being able to function in government and the wider world,” Bryson adds. “However, we will not abandon their native Creole as it is the language of the Haitian people.”

    The Joseph School received an initial $20,000 startup grant from the Retail Orphan Initiative, a charitable foundation that aims to raise awareness and provide solutions for orphans worldwide. The school’s interim director, who has experience building a school in another third-world country, has begun researching and identifying best educational practices for Haiti.

    Bryson says attorneys have volunteered legal help to get the necessary paperwork in order for the next steps, including identifying a site and beginning construction. “The concept of helping orphans get an education and take on leadership roles resonates with people,” he says. “I’m finding there’s a lot of interest in the business community. Business leaders know the value of leadership.”

    Bryson hopes the school will ultimately help empower the people of Haiti to rebuild their nation while addressing other pressing social problems. “We want to help give them the resources to equip them to solve their own problems,” he says.

    A Lesson in Sustainability

    Samuel Frank, an MBA candidate for 2012, is working through Project Pyramid to explore microlending opportunities for housing in Guatemala.
    Samuel Frank, an MBA candidate for 2012, is working through Project Pyramid to explore microlending opportunities for housing in Guatemala.

    In 2006, 11 Vanderbilt MBA students used C.K. Prahalad’s book The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid as the basis to form an organization dedicated to addressing global poverty through education, collaboration and action. Since then, the group known as Project Pyramid has grown steadily thanks in large part to the support of Cal Turner Jr., BA’62, retired Chair and CEO of Dollar General Corp.

    Today there is a Project Pyramid course at Owen taught by Bart Victor, the Cal Turner Professor of Moral Leadership, that is open to students across the university. One component of this course is a spring break trip where learned principles and practices are put into action to tackle problems of poverty.

    Previous spring break projects focused on developing nations in Asia, such as Bangladesh, but in 2010 the group decided to build upon Vanderbilt’s already strong connections in Guatemala, where the university has a significant number of health, development and archaeological projects.

    More than 25 students returned to Guatemala in March 2011, dividing into several faculty-led teams focused on issues from microfinance lending to creating marketing plans for nonprofits. Among these teams was a group of Owen students working with Clinical Professor of Management Jim Schorr to investigate microlending opportunities for housing in Guatemala City. The Nashville-based Shalom Foundation had been building houses in the Las Conchas community on the outskirts of the city for several years but was seeking help to find ways to finance an expansion of the program.

    In Las Conchas, 800 families live on dirt floors in makeshift homes strung together with sheets of corrugated metal. Schorr’s group learned that with a $4,000 loan a family could build a more substantial home on the same land. A community assessment conducted by some of the students in 2010 revealed that many families could afford such a home with financing help. The students then set out to find a community-minded microlender. After several meetings the Las Conchas team received strong interest from Genesis Empresarial, Guatemala’s leading microfinance institution. This year another group of Project Pyramid students returned to further this initial progress.

    Makeshift houses in Las Conchas
    Makeshift houses in Las Conchas

    The students have learned that the key is to empower local communities. MBA candidate for 2012 Samuel Frank, a project leader who also has traveled and worked with nonprofits in Bolivia, says many such organizations face similar challenges.

    “These nonprofit groups are led by passionate people doing incredible work,” Frank says. “The challenge is finding a way to expand these education, health and social programs in a way that is sustainably funded and doesn’t breed dependence. It is relatively easy to do something for someone. It is much more challenging to develop those skills and expertise locally so progress continues long after you leave.”

    Ted Fischer, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), helped the team identify projects and work out the complicated logistics for the trip. CLAS coordinates a number of projects in Guatemala in conjunction with the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, the School of Medicine, the School of Engineering and the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health.

    “The Project Pyramid program is unique in providing business and other professional students the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on international experience while giving back to the communities in which they work,” Fischer says. “All of the Project Pyramid programs are oriented toward sustainability. This is truly doing well in scholarly pursuits while doing good.”

  • Flour Power

    Flour Power

    Claire Brown
    Claire Brown

    Some of the grandmothers—only in their 50s, but aged by the hardships of living in one of the world’s poorest places—liked the porridge so much that they started dancing, hopping on one foot and then the other, grinning toothless smiles and kicking dust onto their colorful skirts. It was mid-morning in rural Alto Molocue in the Zambezia province of Mozambique, and villagers were sampling several new flour mixes, each made of different combinations of ground corn, cashew, soy, moringa and cassava.

    The gathering was the joint effort of New Path Nutrition, the nonprofit that Joe Boulier, MBA’10, and I had co-founded; World Vision Mozambique, a humanitarian organization dedicated to helping children; and CETA Industries, a Mozambican company that exports cashews and builds local infrastructure projects. Our successful taste test represented an important step in developing a nutrient-dense flour—farinha forca in Portuguese, the country’s official language—to provide rural Mozambicans with an alternative to traditional maize flour. We all shared the goal of improving the health and nutritional profile of people in the region.

    Joe had recently graduated from Owen, sold his possessions, liquidated his 401(k) and moved to Mozambique to develop New Path’s concept for a more sustainable model for food intervention. I was there on a visit accompanied by Clinical Professor of Management Jim Schorr. Together Jim and I snapped pictures and entertained the kids who crowded around while the villagers answered questions about the flours they were testing: Did they like the taste? The color? Which of the five blends, including a control of pure maize flour, did they like the most and why? As the day wore on, we compiled our surveys and notes while the villagers sang and danced and the children scraped the remaining porridge out of the bowls.

    Joe and I both had been interested in sub-Saharan Africa prior to graduate school. He had spent several years working with Catholic Relief Services as an auditor on Title II food distribution and AIDS relief projects funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program. I had lived and worked in Tanzania as a researcher for Africa Bridge, a microfinance organization. At Vanderbilt Joe and I became friends and found common ideological ground through Project Pyramid, the Owen-based interdisciplinary initiative focused on applying business models to address sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

    We had many conversations and even a few heated arguments about the right ways and wrong ways to approach international development. While we did not always agree, we shared a fundamental desire to see foreign aid interventions accomplished sustainably, driven by local market demands, resources and preferences. The concept of “social enterprise,” using business models and market-based approaches to address social and environmental issues, became especially compelling for us both.

    Cashews waiting to be processed
    Cashews waiting to be processed

    In October 2009 Joe and I received the William N. Pearson Scholarship Award from the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH). The funding allowed us to develop our plans to pursue international development in an innovative way. Fortunately for us, World Vision, which had been working on development issues in Mozambique since the end of the country’s civil war in 1992, contacted the VIGH seeking support on a public-private venture. CETA Industries was offering factory space, local managerial expertise and equipment—enough to run a small-scale flour production facility—to support their workers’ wider rural community.

    White maize flour, notoriously nutrient-poor, is an inexpensive and filling food source. In much of sub-Saharan Africa, including Zambezia, it is a staple food, often consumed with every meal. Knowing this, we initially explored the idea of producing nutritionally fortified maize flour for distribution to hospitals and people living with HIV and AIDS. Eventually our idea expanded to include not only these niche areas but also the broader population of Mozambique, specifically there in Zambezia.

    Rather than immediately making and distributing food-as-medicine for the poorest of the poor, we convinced the parties involved to try producing instead a maize-cashew flour mix with a taste, color and consistency comparable to traditional maize flour. Our plan would be to employ local labor, use local inputs and sell to a local market at a price equal to that of existing maize flour alternatives, while maintaining a financially viable factory operation. The new mix, we hoped, would be a substitute product that aligned with existing cooking habits and unlocked latent regional demand for healthy flour alternatives. In all, we considered it a promising opportunity to improve nutrition more sustainably in the region.

    Village children lining up to taste the porridge
    Village children lining up to taste the porridge

    During the spring Joe and I refined our idea in Jim Schorr’s Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship course. After it ended, we invited Jim to stay on as an advisor to New Path Nutrition and to accompany us on a trip to Mozambique. A visit to the area was essential if we were to determine how receptive consumers would be to a new product, test the validity of our many assumptions and projections, and begin establishing our venture.

    We flew to Maputo, Mozambique’s capital city, and spent several days conducting meetings with VIGH staff, NGO (nongovernmental organization) partners and local business leaders. Further into the trip, in Quelimane and Alto Molocue, we visited the CETA cashew processing plant and the proposed factory space, met with members of the local farmer’s federation, and conducted taste tests with local villagers. Jim and I then returned to the United States, while Joe stayed on to continue working in the area.

    Our taste tests demonstrated a strong preference for a particular blend of the fortified flour, outperforming even the traditional, widely consumed maize variety. Joe and I, however, knew from our days at Owen that we would have to address many other business issues if we were to make this new venture a success. An enthusiastic local response to the initial product was just the beginning.

    Pending New Path’s ability to secure additional funds, Joe plans to remain in Mozambique for a year, refining the product, building relationships and proving the overall concept. By the end of his stay, we hope to have a working model for building an economically viable social enterprise that is replicable in other rural sub-Saharan areas.

    New Path Nutrition is a registered nonprofit working towards 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Any donations will be used to allow Joe to remain in Mozambique until the completion of the project. You can reach us at or via our mailing address: 3000 Hillsboro Pike #104, Nashville, TN 37215. We appreciate your interest and support.