Measuring What Matters

From the Summer 2014 edition of Vanderbilt Business

Vanderbilt’s full-time MBA program is No. 25 in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings. Particularly significant: Among the top 25 schools, Owen had the fourth-highest rate of students employed at graduation and the ninth highest rate of students employed three months after graduation—two key metrics used in the survey. And Poets & Quants, the online graduate business school news site, reported that Vanderbilt has seen the third largest improvement in job placement over the past five years among top-25 B-schools.

Poets & Quants also reported that Owen reduced the average student debt by 9.6 percent in 2013.

Our secret formula? The school is holding tuition and fees low, increasing scholarships and negotiating for more student internships and sign-on bonuses.