Archives for M Johnson

Heathcare and the Internet of Things

As part of our NSF-funded project on trustworthy healthcare IT, we recently hosted a workshop focused on mHealth. Certainly the internet of things is creating new opportunities for delivering care. For example, I recently finished a case study on a San Diego-based start-up, Sotera, that has developed a wireless harness that enables continuous, non-invasive monitoring […]

Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Cruise Line

Preview Copy in PDF Format Professors: Preview Copies and Orders After five years of profitable growth, Kevin Sheehan, CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line, rang the NASDAQ bell on Norwegian’s first day of trading. Under Sheehan’s leadership, Norwegian had experienced a dramatic turnaround, largely due to his efforts to help the organization deliver on the promise of […]

Advice from Google CFO Patrick Pichette

We recently hosted Google CFO Patrick Pichette. In his talk, he argued that we often shoot too low – looking for 10-15% improvement when we should be shooting for 10X. At Google, he focuses on game changing breakthroughs that could achieve a billion users. That thinking changes the discussion from merely worrying about the competition […]

Healthcare IT: Better Living Through Transparency

Technology is controversial today in U.S. healthcare. Of course, it has given us many amazing life-saving treatments. Last week at a Silicon Valley alumni panel on healthcare technology, Dow Wilson (T’85 and CEO of Varian Medical Systems) described how technology had transformed radiation oncology, allowing high doses of radiation to be delivered to very small […]

Getting Personal with Big Data

The last two weeks have been a Big Data fest for the Center.  Last week our Tech@Tuck  conference brought executives to Tuck to discuss how big data was changing big brands.   This week our CIO Roundtable on Digital Strategies gathered in Phoenix to explore how big data should be fostered in managed.   We heard many […]



Preview Copy in PDF Format Professors: Preview Copies and Orders Blair LaCorte T90 glanced out the window as his Virgin American flight approached San Francisco International Airport, and thought about the challenges facing XOJET and the private aviation industry as a whole. With demand up 50% YOY they needed every jet they owned. It was October, 2011, and […]

On-line Health Information

Here is an amazing statistic.  This fall I have been teaching a class on Health IT in Dartmouth’s new Masters of Healthcare Delivery Science program.  The students are mid-career healthcare professionals.  We had a fascinating discussion about where patients look on-line for health information.   Many of the practicing doctors mentioned specialized health websites.  NPR is […]

Sotera Wireless

Preview Copy in PDF Format Professors: Preview Copies and Orders “Healthcare game-changer.” This was Sotera’s waking dream in the spring of 2012. By the end of summer, the 67-employee firm was buzzing as the PR team finalized it’s much anticipated press release: SAN DIEGO, Aug. 21, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Sotera Wireless, Inc. announced […]

Big Data in a Small New Hampshire Town

In the digital age, we are all beginning to understand that privacy is little more than a warm, fuzzy 1950s ideal. We now live in a world of Big Data, where bits and pieces of personal information can be combined from many sources to form a detailed picture of our preferences, buying habits and behavior. […]


Preview Copy in PDF Format Professors: Preview Copies and Orders Cassie Young T’11, M. Eric Johnson, John Marshall T’92 Length: 14 pages Publication date: 2011 Case#: 6-0034 Professors: Order Copy  On track to exceed two billion dollars in revenue in 2011 in its third full year of business, Groupon and its latest daily deals were […]