Faculty Honors and Awards

Joseph D. Blackburn, James A. Speyer Professor of Production Management, was honored as a Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society in recognition of his research contributions to the field.

Mark A. Cohen, Justin Potter Professor of American Competitive Enterprise (Strategy and Economics), was appointed Vice President for Research at Resources for the Future (RFF), a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research on environmental, energy and natural resource issues.

Bruce Cooil, Dean Samuel B. and Evelyn R. Richmond Professor of Management (Statistics), received the 2007 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award and Outstanding Paper Award for his research into the fallacy of the Net Promoter customer loyalty metric.

Salvatore T. March, David K. Wilson Professor of Management (Information Technology), was honored with the Design Science Lifetime Achievement Award, presented at the 2008 International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST).

Ronald W. Masulis, Frank K. Houston Professor of Management (Finance), received the 2007 Hana Bank Outstanding Paper Award at the Second Annual International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets in South Korea for his work titled “Agency Problems at Dual-Class Companies.”

Richard L. Oliver, Professor of Management (Marketing), was the recipient of the 2007 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award, which honored his 1999 paper “Whence Customer Loyalty” as having made the most significant long-term contributions to marketing theory and practice.

Hans Stoll, The Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker Professor of Finance and Director of the Financial Markets Research Center, was awarded an honorary degree by Goethe University Frankfurt, the leading German university in the area of financial markets.

Research and Teaching Awards

Dean’s Award for Research Impact

Dawn Iacobucci, E. Bronson Ingram Professor in Marketing

An expert on social networks, customer satisfaction and service marketing, Iacobucci has authored 47 papers in refereed journals including Marketing Science, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research. She also co-authored Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations, the leading marketing research text in the industry and has authored and edited several additional books on services and integrated marketing.

Dean’s Award for Research Productivity

Steve Hoeffler, Associate Professor of Management (Marketing)

Hoeffler’s research on such topics as positioning multiple category products, marketing radically new products and the advantages of strong brands have appeared in such journals as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology and Journal of Product Innovation Management. Hoeffler also has served as Chair for the Consumer Behavior Track of the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference.

James A. Webb Excellence in Teaching Award

Mikhael Shor, Assistant Professor of Management (Strategy and Economics)

Shor teaches Game Theory and Business Strategy, as well as Pricing Strategies—two highly regarded courses in the MBA program. His expertise is in the fields of game theory, experimental economics and industrial organization, and his theoretical work on the effects of mergers in auction markets is accompanied by experimental research into human decision making.

Executive MBA Excellence in Teaching Award

Nancy Lea Hyer, Associate Professor of Management (Operations)

Hyer teaches Operations Management to the Executive MBA students and was cited for the energy, intellect, respect and enthusiasm she shows in the classroom. Before joining the Owen faculty, Hyer served as Operations Research Manager for the Hewlett-Packard Network Measurements Division in Santa Rosa, Calif. Her work in the academic and business communities has focused on cellular manufacturing, process redesign and project management.