
0K7B6675 copyThe first few months in your new role is a critical time. Here are a few ideas:

Once you have started your new position, create an announcement of your new position by updating your LinkedIn profile and sending an email thank you and announcement of your landing.  It is essential to thank all of your networking contacts and to offer to assist them in the future.

As you start your new position, create a 90-day plan. What does your manager want you to accomplish? Who do you need to network with inside the organization? What do you need to learn?

We recommend this book, The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins. From Michael Watkins’ website: “Since its original release in 2003, The First 90 Days has become a global bestseller and the acknowledged ‘bible’ of leadership and career transitions… internationally-known leadership transition expert Michael D. Watkins gives you the keys to successfully negotiating your next move—whether you’re starting out at a new company, being promoted internally or embarking on an international assignment.”