Diagnostic: Are you ready for coaching?

Depending on where you are in your journey, coaching may or may not be the next best step for you. We have crafted a short assessment to help you gauge your own readiness. Once you complete the assessment, your scores will be compiled and a set of suggested next steps will appear. Use these recommendations to guide you as you continue to explore your own path forward.


Please select how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. Work quickly and allow your first instinct to guide you.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I am willing to seek out others' perspectives to shape my thinking.
I find it easy to set my priorities and stick to them.
I am comfortable asking for help when I need it.
I want to work on myself.
I am at a crossroads right now and am unsure of the path forward.
I have a goal and am working to build the bridge to get there.
I am in uncharted territory and need some help navigating the waters.
I view feedback, both positive and negative, as a gift.
I am comfortable with where I am in my professional life.
I derive energy from time spent in reflection.
When asked for my opinion or perspective, I am willing to give an honest response.
I am willing to hold myself accountable to my commitments.
I am willing to carve out a couple of hours each month to try something new.
It is easy for me to be my authentic self when building new relationships.
I am recognized for my ability to follow through.