SIRIUS Business

From the Fall 2008 edition of Vanderbilt Business

LavelleIf you are a SIRIUS Satellite Radio subscriber, then you are likely benefiting from savvy strategy developed by award-winning marketing veteran and Owen alumna, Vance LaVelle, EMBA’91. As a Senior Vice President, she is helping SIRIUS grow its subscriber base through service, sales and marketing. She also is helping the company prepare for its recently approved merger with XM Satellite Radio.

A quick glance at LaVelle’s bio shows a career path punctuated by a diverse range of experiences across a number of sectors, including technology, telecommunications, financial services, media and entertainment, and government, but the anchor throughout has been marketing.

Although she began her career at AT&T in operations, she has always been keenly interested in understanding consumers’ needs and building organizations around the experiences those consumers want to have. “I have always had good instincts about consumers and an ability to see the obvious path,” says LaVelle. Indeed, her marketing acumen has enabled her to successfully launch over 100 brands and turn the tide on flagging market shares and profits.

LaVelle’s instincts have been on point internally, too, in terms of recognizing when she has needed to change jobs, and she advises others to be aware of their own internal compasses. “We are the architects of our work life. We can be proactive or reactive, but regardless, change is inevitable.”

LaVelle has chosen the proactive path, joining SIRIUS after serving as Chief Marketing Officer with PNC Financial Services Group. She realized she was ready for a change, but after 10 months of exploring other options, including launching a consulting business, she also recognized her desire to get back into corporate life as an operator, not just an advisor.

She’ll no doubt continue to listen to her own internal cues, but for now, though, it’s SIRIUS business.

One Response to “SIRIUS Business”

  1. BJJ

    Just curious – has there been any followup on this? It’d be great to hear how a succesful alum is doing…

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